级别 | 期刊名称 |
ET1级 17种(已经接近或具备本学科领域国际顶级水平的期刊) | |
ET1-1 | International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences |
ET1-2 | Engineering Geology |
ET1-3 | Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering |
ET1-4 | Geotechnique |
ET1-5 | Landslides |
ET1-6 | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology |
ET1-7 | International Journal of Coal Geology |
ET1-8 | Acta Geotechnica |
ET1-9 | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering |
ET1-10 | Journal of Hydrology |
ET1-11 | Catena |
ET1-12 | Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering |
ET1-13 | Automation in Construction |
ET1-14 | Water Resources Research |
ET1-15 | International Journal of Plasticity |
ET1-16 | Geoscience Frontiers |
ET1-17 | Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth |
T2级 26 种(国际上知名和非常重要的较高水平权威期刊) | |
ET2-1 | Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering |
ET2-2 | International Journal of Geomechanics |
ET2-3 | Computers and Geotechnics |
ET2-4 | International Journal of Mining Science and Technology |
ET2-5 | International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics |
ET2-6 | Canadian Geotechnical Journal |
ET2-7 | Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment |
ET2-8 | Geotextiles and Geomembranes |
ET2-9 | Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering |
ET2-10 | Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering |
ET2-11 | SPE Journal |
ET2-12 | Geomechanics and Engineering |
ET2-13 | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering |
ET2-14 | Petroleum Exploration and Development |
ET2-15 | Engineering Fracture Mechanics |
ET2-16 | Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics |
ET2-17 | Applied Clay Science |
ET2-18 | International Journal of Solids and Structures |
ET2-19 | Geophysical Journal International |
ET2-20 | Science China Earth Sciences |
ET2-21 | Advanced Engineering Informatics |
ET2-22 | Geothermics |
ET2-23 | Ocean Engineering |
ET2-24 | Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE) |
ET2-25 | Cold Regions Science and Technology |
ET2-26 | Earthquake Spectra |
T3级 34种(国内外重要、为学术界所认可的期刊) | |
ET3-1 | Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk |
ET3-2 | Environmental Earth Sciences |
ET3-3 | European Journal of Environmental and Engineering |
ET3-4 | Georisk-Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards |
ET3-5 | Petroleum Science |
ET3-6 | Geomechanic s and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources |
ET3-7 | Transportation Geotechnics |
ET3-8 | Marine Georesources and Geotechnology |
ET3-9 | Geosyntheti cs Intemational |
ET3-10 | International Journal of Mining Reclamation and Environment |
ET3-11 | Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology |
ET3-12 | Underground Space |
ET3-13 | Soils and Foundations |
ET3-14 | Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment |
ET3-15 | Geotechnique Letters |
ET3-16 | Granular Matter |
ET3-17 | Geotechnical Testing Journal |
ET3-18 | Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology |
ET3-19 | Journal of Earth Science |
ET3-20 | Journal of Structural Geology |
ET3-21 | Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering |
ET3-22 | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics |
ET3-23 | Natural Hazards |
ET3-24 | International Journal of Pavement Engineering |
ET3-25 | Science China Technological Sciences |
ET3-26 | International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction |
ET3-27 | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering |
ET3-28 | Journal of Earthquake Engineering |
ET3-29 | Mine Water and the Environment |
ET3-30 | Computational Geosciences |
ET3-31 | Transport in Porous Media |
ET3-32 | Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering |
ET3-33 | Earthquakes and Structures |
ET3-34 | Journal of Mountain Science |