1. 编制单位:中国通信学会
2. 发布地址:学会官网、微信公众号、头条
序号 | 期刊名称 |
1 | Ad Hoc Networks |
2 | Computer Communications |
3 | Computer Networks |
4 | IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine |
5 | IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters |
6 | IEEE Communications Letters |
7 | IEEE Communications Magazine |
8 | IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials |
9 | IEEE Internet of Things Journal |
10 | IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing |
11 | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications |
12 | IEEE Microwave Magazine |
13 | IEEE Network |
14 | IEEE Systems Journal |
15 | IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation |
16 | IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting |
17 | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking |
18 | IEEE Transactions on Communications |
19 | IEEE Transactions on information Theory |
20 | IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing |
21 | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia |
22 | IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks |
23 | IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing |
24 | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
25 | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications |
26 | IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine |
27 | IEEE Wireless Communications |
28 | IEEE Wireless Communications Letters |
29 | IEEE-ACM Transactions on Networking |
30 | IET Communications |
31 | Journal of Lightwave Technology |
32 | Journal of optical Communications and Networking |
33 | Mobile Networks & Applications |
34 | Proceedings of the IEEE |
35 | Wireless Networks |