1. 编制单位:中国汽车工程学会
2. 发布地址:中国汽车工程学会官方网站
级别 | 期刊名称 |
T1级8种(已经接近或具备国际顶级水平的期刊) | |
T1-1 | 汽车工程 |
T1-2 | 内燃机学报 |
T1-3 | Vehicle System Dynamics |
T1-4 | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
T1-5 | International Journal of Vehicle Design |
T1-6 | Automotive Innovation |
T1-7 | eTransportation |
T1-8 | Journal of Intelligent & Connected Vehicles |
T2级16种(国际上知名和非常重要的较高水平权威期刊) | |
T2-1 | 汽车安全与节能学报 |
T2-2 | 汽车技术 |
T2-3 | 汽车工程学报 |
T2-4 | 中国公路学报 |
T2-5 | 内燃机工程 |
T2-6 | 兵工学报 |
T2-7 | 吉林大学学报(工学版) |
T2-8 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering |
T2-9 | International Journal of Automotive Technology |
T2-10 | IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine |
T2-11 | International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems |
T2-12 | IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification |
T2-13 | Combustion and Flame |
T2-14 | IET Intelligent Transport Systems |
T2-15 | International Journal of Mechanical Sciences |
T2-16 | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems |
其他学会已列入分级目录的参选期刊(不完全统计) | |
T1-1 | Applied Energy |
T1-2 | Energy |
T1-3 | Energy Conversion and Management |
T1-4 | Fuel |
T1-5 | Journal of Power Sources |
T1-6 | Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews |
T1-7 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
T1-8 | IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics |
T1-9 | 中国电机工程学报 |
T1-10 | Advanced Energy Materials |
T2-1 | Renewable Energy |
T2-2 | International Journal of Energy Research |
T3 | Fuel Cells |
T1-1 | 机械工程学报 |
T1-2 | Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
T2 | 中国机械工程 |
A | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems |
A | IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine |
A | IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology |
A | IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control |
A | 自动化学报 |
A | IEEE-Asme Transactions on Mechatronics |
A | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics |
A | Nonlinear Dynamics |
A | IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing |
A | IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine |
B | IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine |
B | 控制与决策 |
T1 | Acta Materialia |