级别 | 期刊名称 |
T1级 4种(已经接近或具备本学科领域国际顶级水平的期刊) | |
T1-1 | Journal of Consumer Research |
T1-2 | Journal of Marketing |
T1-3 | Journal of Marketing Research |
T1-4 | Marketing Science |
T2级 17种(国际上知名和非常重要的较高水平权威期刊) | |
T2-1 | European Journal of Marketing |
T2-2 | Industrial Marketing Management |
T2-3 | International Journal of Research in Marketing |
T2-4 | International Marketing Review |
T2-5 | Journal of Advertising |
T2-6 | Journal of Advertising Research |
T2-7 | Journal of Consumer Psychology |
T2-8 | Journal of Interactive Marketing |
T2-9 | Journal of International Marketing |
T2-10 | Journal of Public Policy & Marketing |
T2-11 | Journal of Retailing |
T2-12 | Journal of Service Research |
T2-13 | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science |
T2-14 | Marketing Letters |
T2-15 | Marketing Theory |
T2-16 | Psychology & Marketing |
T2-17 | Quantitative Marketing and Economics |
T3级 25种(国内外重要、为学术界所认可的期刊) | |
T3-1 | Advances in Consumer Research |
T3-2 | Business Process Management Journal |
T3-3 | Consumption Markets & Culture |
T3-4 | International Journal of Advertising |
T3-5 | International Journal of Consumer Studies |
T3-6 | International Journal of Market Research |
T3-7 | International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management |
T3-8 | Journal of Brand Management |
T3-9 | Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing |
T3-10 | Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing |
T3-11 | Journal of Communication |
T3-12 | Journal of Consumer Affairs |
T3-13 | Journal of Consumer Behaviour |
T3-14 | Journal of Consumer Marketing |
T3-15 | Journal of Global Marketing |
T3-16 | Journal of Macromarketing |
T3-17 | Journal of Marketing Management |
T3-18 | Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice |
T3-19 | Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management |
T3-20 | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services |
T3-21 | Journal of Service Management |
T3-22 | Journal of Service Theory and Practice |
T3-23 | Journal of Services Marketing |
T3-24 | Journal of Strategic Marketing |
T3-25 | Service Industries Journal |