级别 | 期刊名称 |
T1级 21 种(已经接近或具备本学科领域国际顶级水平的期刊) | |
T1-1 | Nature Geoscience |
T1-2 | Geophysical Research Letters |
T1-3 | Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth |
T1-4 | Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets |
T1-5 | Earth and Planetary Science Letters |
T1-6 | IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
T1-7 | Geophysical Journal International |
T1-8 | Tectonophysics |
T1-9 | Geophysics |
T1-10 | Earth-Science Reviews |
T1-11 | Reviews of Geophysics |
T1-12 | Journal of Geophysical Research F: Earth Surface |
T1-13 | Surveys in Geophysics |
T1-14 | Remote Sensing |
T1-15 | Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems |
T1-16 | Computers and Geosciences |
T1-17 | 地球物理学报 |
T1-18 | SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences |
T1-19 | 石油地球物理勘探 |
T1-20 | 地震学报 |
T1-21 | Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration |
T2级 27 种(国际上知名和非常重要的较高水平权威期刊) | |
T2-1 | Pure and Applied Geophysics |
T2-2 | Journal of Applied Geophysics |
T2-3 | Geophysical Prospecting |
T2-4 | Near Surface Geophysics |
T2-5 | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences |
T2-6 | Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America |
T2-7 | Environmental Earth Sciences |
T2-8 | Journal of Asian Earth Sciences |
T2-9 | Natural Hazards |
T2-10 | Gondwana Research |
T2-11 | Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research |
T2-12 | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering |
T2-13 | Advances in Space Research |
T2-14 | Geoscientific Model Development |
T2-15 | Global and Planetary Change |
T2-16 | Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences |
T2-17 | Arabian Journal of Geosciences |
T2-18 | Applied Geophysics |
T2-19 | 地球物理学进展 |
T2-20 | 石油物探 |
T2-21 | Earth and Planetary Physics |
T2-22 | 世界地震工程 |
T2-23 | 大地测量与地球动力学 |
T2-24 | 空间科学学报 |
T2-25 | 水科学进展 |
T2-26 | 地震工程学报 |
T2-27 | Earthquake Science |
T3级 75 种(国内外重要、为学术界所认可的期刊) | |
T3-1 | Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors |
T3-2 | Journal of African Earth Sciences |
T3-3 | Groundwater |
T3-4 | Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences |
T3-5 | International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction |
T3-6 | Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering |
T3-7 | Journal of the American Water Resources Association |
T3-8 | Seismological Research Letters |
T3-9 | International Journal of Earth Sciences |
T3-10 | Journal of Geodesy |
T3-11 | Annales Geophysicae |
T3-12 | Journal of South American Earth Sciences |
T3-13 | Bulletin of Volcanology |
T3-14 | Geothermics |
T3-15 | Physics and Chemistry of the Earth |
T3-16 | Earth Planets and Space |
T3-17 | Earth System Science Data |
T3-18 | Petroleum Exploration and Development |
T3-19 | Journal of Earthquake Engineering |
T3-20 | Geosciences |
T3-21 | Frontiers in Earth Science |
T3-22 | Australian Journal of Earth Sciences |
T3-23 | Journal of Geodynamics |
T3-24 | Journal of Earth System Science |
T3-25 | Russian Geology and Geophysics |
T3-26 | Computational Geosciences |
T3-27 | New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics |
T3-28 | Solid Earth |
T3-29 | Antarctic Science |
T3-30 | Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics |
T3-31 | Earth System Dynamics |
T3-32 | Journal of Geophysics and Engineering |
T3-33 | Journal of Seismology |
T3-34 | Natural Hazards Review |
T3-35 | Journal of Earth Science |
T3-36 | Polar Research |
T3-37 | Annals of Geophysics |
T3-38 | Acta Geophysica |
T3-39 | Lithosphere |
T3-40 | Petroleum Geoscience |
T3-41 | Geosciences Journal |
T3-42 | Mathematical Geosciences |
T3-43 | Earth Surface Dynamics |
T3-44 | Earth and Space Science |
T3-45 | Marine Geophysical Research |
T3-46 | International Journal of Disaster Risk Science |
T3-47 | Exploration Geophysics |
T3-48 | Marine Geodesy |
T3-49 | Progress in Earth and Planetary Science |
T3-50 | Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans |
T3-51 | Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences |
T3-52 | Earth Interactions |
T3-53 | Geodinamica Acta |
T3-54 | Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics |
T3-55 | Swiss Journal of Geosciences |
T3-56 | Izvestiya,Physics of the Solid Earth |
T3-57 | Polar Science |
T3-58 | Bulletin of Geosciences |
T3-59 | Earth Science Informatics |
T3-60 | Studia Geophysica Et Geodaetica |
T3-61 | Journal of Disaster Research |
T3-62 | Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics |
T3-63 | Environmental and Engineering Geoscience |
T3-64 | Advances in Geophysics |
T3-65 | 测井技术 |
T3-66 | 地震研究 |
T3-67 | 震灾防御技术 |
T3-68 | 地震地质 |
T3-69 | 冰川冻土 |
T3-70 | Earthquake Research Advances |
T3-71 | 物探化探计算技术 |
T3-72 | 中国地震 |
T3-73 | 物探与化探 |
T3-74 | Geodesy and Geodynamics |
T3-75 | 海洋湖沼通报 |
T4级 124 种 | |
T4-1 | Earth Moon and Planets |
T4-2 | Italian Journal of Geosciences |
T4-3 | Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata |
T4-4 | Geofisica Internacional |
T4-5 | Netherlands Journal of Geosciences-Geologie en Mijnbouw |
T4-6 | Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources |
T4-7 | Geodynamics |
T4-8 | Open Geosciences |
T4-9 | Geothermal Energy |
T4-10 | Geosystem Engineering |
T4-11 | Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica |
T4-12 | Geoscientific Instrumentation,Methods and Data Systems |
T4-13 | Geoscience Letters |
T4-14 | Journal of Geosciences |
T4-15 | Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami |
T4-16 | Journal of Volcanology and Seismology |
T4-17 | Earth Systems and Environment |
T4-18 | International Journal of Geophysics |
T4-19 | Journal of Indian Geophysical Union |
T4-20 | Earth Sciences Research Journal |
T4-21 | Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences |
T4-22 | Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences |
T4-23 | Scientific Drilling |
T4-24 | Astronomy and Geophysics |
T4-25 | Seismic Instruments |
T4-26 | Journal of Seismic Exploration |
T4-27 | Geodynamics and Tectonophysics |
T4-28 | Solid Earth Sciences |
T4-29 | Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences |
T4-30 | Geoscience Data Journal |
T4-31 | Russian Journal of Earth Sciences |
T4-32 | Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal-Geophysical Journal |
T4-33 | Geofizika |
T4-34 | Journal of the Korean Earth Science Society |
T4-35 | Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences |
T4-36 | AIMS Geosciences |
T4-37 | Solar-Terrestrial Physics |
T4-38 | Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy |
T4-39 | Bsgf-Earth Sciences Bulletin |
T4-40 | Geology Geophysics and Environment |
T4-41 | Physio-Geo |
T4-42 | Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration |
T4-43 | Indonesian Journal of Geoscience |
T4-44 | Boletim Paranaense de Geociencias |
T4-45 | Quaderni di Geofisica |
T4-46 | Geodinamika i Tektonofizika |
T4-47 | Geophysical Transactions |
T4-48 | Geologiya i Geofizika |
T4-49 | Geomagnetism and Aeronomy |
T4-50 | Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya |
T4-51 | Geotechnique |
T4-52 | Geotectonics |
T4-53 | Przeglad Geodezyjny |
T4-54 | Przeglad Geofizyczny |
T4-55 | Przeglad Geologiczny |
T4-56 | Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics |
T4-57 | Voprosy Inzhenernoi Seismologii |
T4-58 | Journal of Geophysical Research |
T4-59 | Geothermal Resources Council Transactions |
T4-60 | Vulkanologiyai Seismologiya |
T4-61 | Fisica de la Tierra |
T4-62 | Electromagnetics |
T4-63 | Tectonics |
T4-64 | Tellus. Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography |
T4-65 | Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology |
T4-66 | Astronomicheskii Vestnik |
T4-67 | Geodetski Vestnik |
T4-68 | Geophysica |
T4-69 | Ingegneria Sismica |
T4-70 | Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk. Izvestiya. Fizika Zemli |
T4-71 | The Leading Edge (Tulsa) |
T4-72 | Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia |
T4-73 | Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics |
T4-74 | Georgian Geophysical Society. Journal |
T4-75 | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters |
T4-76 | SAGEEP Proceedings |
T4-77 | Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences |
T4-78 | Georesources |
T4-79 | Georesursy |
T4-80 | Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering |
T4-81 | GeoScience Engineering |
T4-82 | Exploration Geophysics, Remote Sensing and Environment |
T4-83 | Geofizicheskie Protsessy i Geosfera |
T4-84 | Geofizicheskie Issledovaniya |
T4-85 | Acta Geotechnica Slovenica |
T4-86 | Acta Geotechnica |
T4-87 | Journal of Applied Geodesy |
T4-88 | GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics |
T4-89 | International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering |
T4-90 | SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts (Online) |
T4-91 | Geoscientific Model Development Discussions |
T4-92 | NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics |
T4-93 | Earthquake and Structures |
T4-94 | Journal of Geophysics and Remote Sensing |
T4-95 | Open Journal of Earthquake Research |
T4-96 | Journal of Applied Volcanology |
T4-97 | Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions |
T4-98 | Geoenvironmental Disasters |
T4-99 | Geoscience Records |
T4-100 | Interpretation |
T4-101 | Geodynamics Research International Bulletin |
T4-102 | Solnechno-Zemnaya Fizika |
T4-103 | Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences |
T4-104 | Annales Geophysicae Discussions |
T4-105 | Earthquakes |
T4-106 | Journal of Geophysics (Los Angeles) |
T4-107 | Results in Geophysical Sciences |
T4-108 | Earthquake Spectra |
T4-109 | Journal of Geophysics |
T4-110 | Meteoritics and Planetary Scicece |
T4-111 | Space Weather-the International Journal of Reseacher and Applications |
T4-112 | 华北地震科学 |
T4-113 | 地震 |
T4-114 | CT理论与应用研究 |
T4-115 | 华南地震 |
T4-116 | 工程地球物理学报 |
T4-117 | 地震电磁观测与研究 |
T4-118 | 地震科学进展 |
T4-119 | 物探装备 |
T4-120 | 地球与行星物理论评 |
T4-121 | 高原地震 |
T4-122 | 山西地震 |
T4-123 | 四川地震 |
T4-124 | 内陆地震 |