1. 编制单位:中国地理学会
2. 发布地址:中国地理学会官方网站
级别 | 期刊名称 |
T1级 42 种(已经接近或具备本学科领域国际顶级水平的期刊) | |
T1-1 | 中国科学:地球科学☆ |
T1-2 | 科学通报☆ |
T1-3 | 地理学报☆ |
T1-4 | 地理科学 |
T1-5 | 地理科学进展 |
T1-6 | 地理研究 |
T1-7 | 经济地理 |
T1-8 | 资源科学 |
T1-9 | 自然资源学报 |
T1-10 | Journal of Geographical Sciences☆ |
T1-11 | Science Bulletin☆ |
T1-12 | Science China Earth Sciences☆ |
T1-13 | National Science Review☆ |
T1-14 | Nature☆ |
T1-15 | Science☆ |
T1-16 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America☆ |
T1-17 | Nature Communications☆ |
T1-18 | Nature Human Behaviour☆ |
T1-19 | Nature Sustainability☆ |
T1-20 | Annals of the American Association of Geographers |
T1-21 | Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society |
T1-22 | Cities |
T1-23 | Dialogues in Human Geography |
T1-24 | Economic Geography |
T1-25 | Geoforum |
T1-26 | Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions |
T1-27 | Journal of Economic Geography |
T1-28 | Journal of Planning Education and Research |
T1-29 | Journal of Rural Studies |
T1-30 | Journal of The American Planning Association |
T1-31 | Journal of Transport Geography |
T1-32 | Landscape and Urban Planning |
T1-33 | Planning Theory & Practice |
T1-34 | Political Geography |
T1-35 | Progress in Human Geography |
T1-36 | Regional Studies |
T1-37 | Sustainable Development |
T1-38 | Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers |
T1-39 | Transport Policy |
T1-40 | Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice |
T1-41 | Urban Geography |
T1-42 | World Development |
T2级 31 种(国际上知名和非常重要的较高水平权威期刊) | |
T2-1 | 城市规划 |
T2-2 | 城市规划学刊 |
T2-3 | 旅游科学 |
T2-4 | 旅游学刊 |
T2-5 | 人文地理 |
T2-6 | 中国科学院院刊 |
T2-7 | Antipode |
T2-8 | Applied Geography |
T2-9 | Area |
T2-10 | Chinese Geographical Science |
T2-11 | Computers Environment and Urban Systems |
T2-12 | Development and Change |
T2-13 | Energy Policy |
T2-14 | Environment and Planning A-Economy and Space |
T2-15 | Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science |
T2-16 | Environment and Planning C-Politics and Space |
T2-17 | Environment and Planning D-Society & Space |
T2-18 | Geographical Journal |
T2-19 | Geography Compass |
T2-20 | Geopolitics |
T2-21 | International Journal of Urban and Regional Research |
T2-22 | Journal of Environmental Planning and Management |
T2-23 | Journal of Planning Literature |
T2-24 | Journal of Urban Economics |
T2-25 | Land Use Policy |
T2-26 | Planning Theory |
T2-27 | Population Space and Place |
T2-28 | Social & Cultural Geography |
T2-29 | Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment |
T2-30 | Travel Behaviour and Society |
T2-31 | Urban Studies |
T3级 43 种(国内外重要、为学术界所认可的期刊) | |
T3-1 | 城市发展研究 |
T3-2 | 地域研究与开发 |
T3-3 | 干旱区地理 |
T3-4 | 规划师 |
T3-5 | 国际城市规划 |
T3-6 | 历史地理研究 |
T3-7 | 热带地理 |
T3-8 | 世界地理研究 |
T3-9 | 现代城市研究 |
T3-10 | Annals of Regional Science |
T3-11 | Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy |
T3-12 | Asia Pacific Viewpoint |
T3-13 | Childrens Geographies |
T3-14 | Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment |
T3-15 | Climate and Development |
T3-16 | Cultural Geographies |
T3-17 | Emotion Space and Society |
T3-18 | Energy Journal |
T3-19 | Environment and Urbanization |
T3-20 | European Planning Studies |
T3-21 | Gender Place and Culture |
T3-22 | Geographical Analysis |
T3-23 | Geographical Research |
T3-24 | Geographical Review |
T3-25 | Global Networks-A Journal of Transnational Affairs |
T3-26 | Habitat International |
T3-27 | Health Place |
T3-28 | Housing Studies |
T3-29 | International Journal of Health Geographics |
T3-30 | International Journal of Sustainable Transportation |
T3-31 | Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning |
T3-32 | Journal of Geography |
T3-33 | Journal of Geography in Higher Education |
T3-34 | Journal of Historical Geography |
T3-35 | Journal of Urban Technology |
T3-36 | Landscape Research |
T3-37 | Mobilities |
T3-38 | Papers in Regional Science |
T3-39 | Professional Geographer |
T3-40 | Progress in Planning |
T3-41 | Territory Politics Governance |
T3-42 | Transportation |
T3-43 | Urban Policy and Research |