级别 | 期刊名称 |
T1级 16种(已经接近或具备本学科领域国际顶级水平的期刊) | |
T1-1 | 发光学报 |
T1-2 | 仪器仪表学报 |
T1-3 | 照明工程学报 |
T1-4 | 自动化学报 |
T1-5 | Advanced Materials |
T1-6 | Building and Environment |
T1-7 | Energy and Buildings |
T1-8 | Energy Conversion and Management |
T1-9 | IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices |
T1-10 | Journal of Building Engineering |
T1-11 | Journal of Environmental Psychology |
T1-12 | LEUKOS |
T1-13 | Light: Science & Applications(LSA) |
T1-14 | Lighting Research & Technology |
T1-15 | Optics and Lasers in Engineering |
T1-16 | Photonics Research |
T2级 33 种(国际上知名和非常重要的较高水平权威期刊) | |
T2-1 | 半导体光电 |
T2-2 | 城市规划 |
T2-3 | 风景园林 |
T2-4 | 光谱学与光谱分析 |
T2-5 | 光学学报 |
T2-6 | 光子学报 |
T2-7 | 建筑科学 |
T2-8 | 建筑学报 |
T2-9 | 控制理论与应用 |
T2-10 | 物理学报 |
T2-11 | 应用光学 |
T2-12 | 中国照明电器 |
T2-13 | Applied Optics |
T2-14 | Architectural Science Review |
T2-15 | Biomedical Optics Express |
T2-16 | Buildings |
T2-17 | Building Services & Environmental Engineer |
T2-18 | Building Simulation |
T2-19 | Chinese Optics Letters |
T2-20 | Color Research and Application |
T2-21 | IEEE Control System Magazine |
T2-22 | IEEE Electron Device Letter |
T2-23 | IEEE Sensors Journal |
T2-24 | Indoor and Built Environment |
T2-25 | Journal of Biological Rhythms |
T2-26 | Journal of Building Performance Simulation |
T2-27 | Journal of Light & Visual Environment |
T2-28 | Lighting Design and Application |
T2-29 | Measurement Science and Technology |
T2-30 | Optics Express |
T2-31 | Solar Energy |
T2-32 | Transportation Research Part F:Traffic Psychology and Behaviour |
T2-33 | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology |
T3级 50种(国内外重要、为学术界所认可的期刊) | |
T3-1 | 城市规划学刊 |
T3-2 | 灯与照明 |
T3-3 | 电气工程学报 |
T3-4 | 电气自动化 |
T3-5 | 光电工程 |
T3-6 | 光电技术应用 |
T3-7 | 光电子技术 |
T3-8 | 光学技术 |
T3-9 | 光源与照明 |
T3-10 | 建筑电气 |
T3-11 | 建筑技术 |
T3-12 | 建筑节能 |
T3-13 | 农业工程技术(温室园艺) |
T3-14 | 人类工效学 |
T3-15 | 室内设计与装修 |
T3-16 | 太阳能学报 |
T3-17 | 现代显示 |
T3-18 | 演艺科技 |
T3-19 | 植物生理学报 |
T3-20 | 智能建筑 |
T3-21 | 智能建筑电气技术 |
T3-22 | 中国农业科技导报 |
T3-23 | Applied Ergonomics |
T3-24 | Applied Science |
T3-25 | Displays |
T3-26 | Electronics Letters |
T3-27 | Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management |
T3-28 | Environmental and Experimental Botany |
T3-29 | Frontiers in Neurobiology |
T3-30 | Frontiers in Plant Science |
T3-31 | Frontiers in Psychology |
T3-32 | HortScience |
T3-33 | IEEE Transactions on Automatic on Control |
T3-34 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits ans Systems for Video Technology |
T3-35 | IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion |
T3-36 | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing |
T3-37 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics |
T3-38 | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia |
T3-39 | IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics |
T3-40 | Interior Design China |
T3-41 | International Journal of Sustainable Lighting |
T3-42 | Journal of Daylighting |
T3-43 | Journal of Environmental Engineering |
T3-44 | Journal of Science and Technology in Lighting |
T3-45 | Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan |
T3-46 | Light and Engineering |
T3-47 | Metrologia |
T3-48 | Optical Engineering |
T3-49 | Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity |
T3-50 | Signal Processing-Image Communication |