级别 | 期刊名称 |
T1级 6种(已经接近或具备本学科领域国际顶级水平的期刊) | |
T1-1 | European Journal of Operational Research |
T1-2 | INFORMS Journal on Computing |
T1-3 | Management Science |
T1-4 | Mathematical Programming |
T1-5 | Mathematics of Operations Research |
T1-6 | Operations Research |
T2级 27种(国际上知名和非常重要的较高水平权威期刊) | |
T2-1 | ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation |
T2-2 | Annals of Operations Research |
T2-3 | Computers & Industrial Engineering |
T2-4 | Computers & Operations Research |
T2-5 | Decision Analysis |
T2-6 | Decision Sciences |
T2-7 | Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making |
T2-8 | Group Decision and Negotiation |
T2-9 | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics |
T2-10 | IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation |
T2-11 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics:Systems |
T2-12 | IISE Transactions |
T2-13 | INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics |
T2-14 | INFORMS Journal on Optimization |
T2-15 | International Journal of Forecasting |
T2-16 | International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making |
T2-17 | Journal of Heuristics |
T2-18 | Journal of Management Science and Engineering |
T2-19 | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications |
T2-20 | Journal of Scheduling |
T2-21 | Journal of the Operational Research Society |
T2-22 | Judgment and Decision Making |
T2-23 | Naval Research Logistics |
T2-24 | Omega |
T2-25 | Operations Research Letters |
T2-26 | OR Spectrum |
T2-27 | SIAM Journal on Optimization |
T3级 20种(国内外重要、为学术界所认可的期刊) | |
T3-1 | 4OR |
T3-2 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research |
T3-3 | Computational Optimization and Applications |
T3-4 | Decision |
T3-5 | Evolutionary Computation |
T3-6 | Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal |
T3-7 | Grey Systems:Theory and Application |
T3-8 | International Transactions in Operational Research |
T3-9 | Journal of Forecasting |
T3-10 | Journal of Global Optimization |
T3-11 | Journal of Grey System |
T3-12 | Journal of Management Analytics |
T3-13 | Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics |
T3-14 | Journal of Systems Science and Complexity |
T3-15 | Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering |
T3-16 | Mathematical Methods of Operations Research |
T3-17 | SIAM Journal on Computing |
T3-18 | Stochastic Systems |
T3-19 | System Dynamics Review |
T3-20 | Systems Research and Behavioral Science |